Customer Development is a hypothesis-driven approach for vetting concepts and validating potential solutions that satisfy your customers’ greatest needs. Customer Development research ferrets out the true pain that keeps your customers up at night, identifies business opportunities to cure that pain, and helps companies articulate and shape value propositions, benefits, and features. At the end of the day, CD Research is the first step to achieving product-market fit.
Customer Development research answers questions such as:
“In the potential sea of customers, who matters most?”
“What are the pains that keep my customers up at night?”
“What solutions might I offer my customers upon which I can build a viable business?”
“What nuances of our value proposition resonate with our customers?”
”Which features are most valuable for our MVP?”
Jen can bring these strategic insights to your venture or organization by augmenting your team, training your team on the structured method, or a hybrid of the two. There is no one-size-fits-all approach; instead, I will design a program based on your unique starting point and your appetite for risk.